On the pavement of the deserted square facing the Church of the Giglio
the quick steps of a little girl in doll-shaped shoes echoed
short socks adorned with ruffles. Caterina timidly opened the door,
where the work of men whitened with flour was in full swing. “What are you doing here? Why
Aren't you playing with your friends? This is not a suitable place for a
little doll. You’ll end up getting all dirty!”
But that place, for her, was like the rides for other children. And then, that
place was her dad's mill. For her it was ...home!
She loved everything about that environment. The warm, enveloping smell of freshly ground flour, the noise of the machinery, the clicking of the brass plates on the leather belts that powered the machines,
transformed into a perfect rhythmic melody in her ears. The enormous wooden plansichter that with their rotating movement gave her the impression that sooner or later they would fall on her, the grain scales that, filling and emptying themselves automatically, marked the time like a pendulum clock. Yes, for her the mill was fascinating.
It was like watching a show where the noises became the music played by an orchestra; the machines with their movements performed the choreography, the workers were the machinists and the head miller was the undisputed director.
“I’ve decided!” she thought to herself. “When I grow up, I want to be part of this magnificent spectacle. When I grow up, I want to be a miller’s wife!”
To make bread do you need? ...... flour, or rather wheat, because it is from the earth that the food that more than any other characterizes our cuisine and distinguishes our “Bel Paese” throughout the world, is born.
Through the “4P” Bread, Pasta, Pizza and Pastry and above all from flour, which is the most versatile and decisive ingredient for all these delicious preparations, had you thought about it?
Flour is the first of the ingredients and determines with its taste and its organoleptic characteristics the final result of our dish.
So why not get to know it better? Why not find out who, with so much love and dedication produces it? From which grains is it obtained? Learn to understand which is the best to use? And what characteristics must it have to be truly good?

To answer these questions, Caterina and David, a couple of young millers who grew up with wheat and flour, opened a mill conceived from the beginning as an “Experiential Mill”, that is, made to tell the story of ancient Sicilian grains, explain the transformation process and allow anyone to make flour with their own hands.
“Ours is a fascinating and mysterious profession,” Caterina tells us, “which is often not given the due credit, made up of gestures and movements that embrace all 5 senses and which is not explained, but usually passed down from father to daughter, as in my case.”
“This alchemical process, which you learn by stealing with your eyes every day,” adds David, “to make known the history of ancient Sicilian grains and how wheat has been a protagonist in the history of our Sciacca, in our opinion, needed to be told.”
Step by step they built their custom mill, they were able to adapt their industrial knowledge in the field of milling technology to their needs for traditional stone grinding, blending modern technology with ancient traditions.
“We have had the awareness to understand that flour has always been imprinted in our DNA and today we could not live otherwise if not as Millers”.